something that may cross our client’s mind is a wait time for our services at home cleaning Traverse City. However, you do not have to be worried about an extended period of wait time because we have a very large number of team members. they handle multiple jobs per week, in various locations. We operate a very high staffed business at to provide all clients with a timely manner of cleaning services. rescheduling should not be an issue when you use our cleaning service because we are very calculated with who is on our calendar and we will be able to let you know in a prompt fashion when we will be able to fit you into the schedule. all of the team members that work with our cleaning business are put through a rigorous system of hands-on and virtual training that allow them to all perform similarly and get to you in a timely manner.
If you are worried about any liabilities with home cleaning Traverse City dont fret. our cleaning service carries a 2 million per occurrence in a 4 million aggregate liability policy and also a million umbrella policy through Farm Bureau insurance to ensure that your home will not be left uncompensated if something were to happen while we were there. we also have our workers carry a workers compensation for anybody who works in our company
some people wonder what type of innovation home cleaning Traverse City is bringing to t? we arhe table. we bring a safe cleaning service with the promise of repair to any damage that may be done in our clients home or commercial business. with all of our workers carrying workers compensation you can ensure that if they are injured at your place our company will take care of any injuries that they acquire. also, if anything at your business is damaged we will be able to use our liability insurance through the farm Bureau insurance company to pay or replace you for your time and damage.
you may be concerned with how is our cleanliness ranked as a more important element among others? our cleanliness can be ranked by our lighting after things are cleaned, the temperature of the environment that was cleaned, the amount of special events that are hosted at our cleaned environment, and the peace and quiet that can be found in a clean environment. our business has conducted some statistics that have proven 94% of people avoid a business if they went into a restroom and it was dirty. we do not want your business losing any clients due to a dirty restroom or floor.
if you have any questions or concerns about a bathroom in your business due to unclean environments you can contact us at 231-486-6362 to schedule your first appointment we are available during normal business hours of 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM weekdays. if our business hours do not work for you, you can leave a message on our voicemail at 231-486-6362 or send a message to our website and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Home Cleaning Traverse City
what makes home cleaning Traverse City different from other similar companies? one of the main issues with most cleaning companies is that they do not take responsibility for any issues that may occur on the job. They may try to hide what happened or make it seem like they did not do it.that is not professional and something that our cleaning business would never endorse. our cleaning company will take full responsibility anything occurs that is our fault on the job. Our team is always available to be contacted at 231-486-6362 and we will work as hard as we can to resolve the issue soon as possible. We value your time and your business and we would not want some incident to be the reason that you leave
home cleaning Traverse City will not only work with the team to fix any wrongdoing at the workplace. we will also make sure that our work is done to the utmost extent of is not a job well done if our client is complaining about the work when are employees did not come to fruition with what our business promises. we will always take pride in our work even if we have to come back and touch an area up.
if anybody is wanting to join home cleaning Traverse City and become part of our exceptional team, positions are open. we have positions open for residential cleaning technicians who are always on the job outperforming the competition. Our janitorial cleaning technician will also be on scene especially helping with any mopping or other types of cleaning services that you may need in the restaurant front storehouse or in the bathrooms. we also have openings for janitorial field supervisors who will be assisting with any type of cleaning to ensure a job well done.
our residential cleaning technician is one of our most popular positions that is currently available for higher if anybody you know is interested you could refer to them to 231-486-6362. we also have a limited time offer of a position for vacation rental cleaning technician that will specialize in any type of vacation homes and rentals. We operate a very high staffed business at to provide all clients with a timely manner of cleaning services. rescheduling should not be an issue when you use our cleaning service because we are very calculated with who is on our calendar and we will be able to let you know in a prompt fashion when we will be able to fit you into the schedule.
our cleaning company Stands out among the competition because of how well we can take responsibility for any issues that may occur. we at Traverse City know That sometimes issues may arise and that when they do we are ready and available to help the customer with any concerns or questions they may have. one of the best ways to reach out to us with your questions or concerns is to call 231-486-6362 and explain the issue in detail to any of our call service representatives. you can also apply to Our residential cleaning technician, janitorial cleaning technician, or janitorial field supervisor on our website